You don’t HAVE to prepare for your first drifting course. You can just show up to a Texas Drift Academy class and have fun and it can all be new to you.

But, there are those who want to ‘get the most’ out of their drifting class. Those who like to study ahead; to be as up to speed as they can to progress quickly. If that’s you, below are the definitive collection of videos for learning to drift and more, starting with the story behind Texas Drift Academy…



What are the biggest mistakes new students make?

Screen Shot 2021 02 07 at 3.27.54 PMEvery student will make mistakes. Please do. Each mistake is a small milestone towards learning to control a sliding car. You will bring many actions together, sometimes all at once, and sometimes in rapid succession. This will require breaking habits and learning new ones. We want you to have seat time to develop new muscle memory. The top 5 mistakes in the beginning include:

  1. Not pulling the e-brake hard enough to lock up the back tires
  2. Not letting go of the steering wheel (or letting go too late) to initiate the drift
  3. Accelerating too hard or too long
  4. Holding the e-brake too long
  5. Not looking where you want the car to go (track vision)

You will spinout, and so do the pros. The challenge is part of the fun. At some point in class your skills skill will suddenly appear. You will get it, like riding a bike!